Monday, March 14, 2011

Watching thoughts sheet

Your Name Kat Dion                                                                         Class time: 12-12:50
Should be no longer than 2  pages

Name of Movie: Steal this Film
Year: 2006
BitTorrent was developed by Bram Cohen as a peer-to-peer program for uploading and downloading files on the internet. The advancement has made it easier for users of the internet to share files with other users without paying to upload or download the files which largely attracts people because of the convience.

  1. Based on the main point off this film (If you don’t understand read: Where do you see connections to your experiences,and/or society at large– be specific (Application)?

People like to think that everything should be free especially if it is on the internet. But because of all the network sharing sites people are starting to think that everything else should be just as easily accessible to them.

  1. Analyze what you’ve watched. What is the future of distribution, production and creativity? Has society achieved its main goal in relation to Intellectually Property? (Analysis)
The future of distribution and production will be at a financial stand still because in a very short time everything will be shared and reproduced again and again online. Record companies should start printing just one copy of every cd because soon that’s all it going to take for everyone to have access to what on the cd as for the future of creativity I don’t believe it will change because it remains the same just develops in different ways.

  1. Do you think that downloading is stealing someone’s Intellectual Property? Why or why not? (Analysis)?
No because once you post something on the internet or put out a CD you should automatically expect it to be shared and used by many different hands. You put the music out there so be prepared to have it copied and shared, especially because they only real way to make money with movies and music is to sell merchandise and attract people to the show to watch it and in a way file sharing could help people sell more tickets because the music is now be accessed by a larger group.

  1. How will the issues of copyright and Intellectual property affect the world in 50 years? be specific (Synthesis)

I believe technology will be so far advanced by then copyright and Intellectual property won’t have a chance to affect anything. We already at a speed of before the movie or the cd comes out people already have it on their iPods or on a burned DVD. As the years go by technology will only get faster to the point where officials won’t have time to stop it.

  1. Do you agree with what is being said within movie?  What shifts in your opinion on this topic have happened from watching this film?  What new ideas have you created after watching and thinking about this film? (Evaluation)
Before watching this video I believed that file sharing was wrong, as I watched this video I realized that file sharing is just a part of the advancements in technology and that there is no way to stop it . Also that artists and directors put their material out there for people to see and hear it should be an expectation by them that the information is going to be widely shared.
Producers: The Pirate Bay

Who is the Pirate Bay?  What do they stand for? What is their mission?
Pirate Bay is a website where you can download bit torrent files for games music movies for free instead of paying to use them.  Their mission is be a host site for free downloads because they believe that information is meant for everyone to see and that you shouldn’t have to pay for it.

  1. Name, and define, 3 significant people interviewed in the movie (Knowledge):
    1.   Frederik Neij- co-creator of pirate bay a sharing website and was found guilty of assisting to make copyright available.
    2. Lawerence Liang- lawyer and has become a spokesperson against intellectual property. 
    3.   Peter Sunde- co-founder of pirate bay supports the spread of information throughout the internet and has started other websites such as flatter encouraging sharing of information.

  1. What are the main ideas being discussed within this movie? (Comprehension)
The main idea is Intellectual Property rights and whether it is ok to share files freely throughout the internet and whether sites such a Napster and Pirate Bay are violating copyright laws by being a network that openly allows users to share information through there network.

  1. What is BitTorrent? Explain what it does and how this technologic advancement had changed society. (Comprehension)

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